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Dreaming of Future Cosplays

This post topic was chosen by my lovely Patreons! Every month, Patreons get to vote on upcoming content, including blog posts, BuJo themes and more! Their support keeps me going and making new content for everyone to enjoy. All it takes is $1 a month to keep me going and access the majority of content!

Your's truly, circa 2016

I've been attending and selling at conventions for about 8 years now. That's 8 years of art, 8 years of frivolous fun, and 8 years of cosplay opportunities. My area also has a thriving cosplay community, that continues outside of the convention setting. I'm talking snowy photo shoots in the mountains, and year long fan film projects (yes, a group of friends did that, and it's amazing).

The problem is, I don't take full advantage of those cosplay opportunities. Sure, I have a couple cosplays kicking around, and even more casual cosplays. I wouldn't consider them "real" cosplays though. I don't have battle armor, or weapons, or hours of dedication in each amazing, jaw dropping ensemble. I've got about 3 hours, shaky sewing skills, and $25 in thrift store goods. Yes, I know, technically there is no wrong way to cosplay. So long as you're having fun with a varying degree of clothing on, you're doing it right. Still, I can't help but feel like I'm missing out on something here. I think this is the year I put a little pep in my step, by stepping on the convention floor in some brand new threads.

So, in the spirit of learning new skills (and because my Patreons chose this topic. My hands are tied), I've decided to share some of my dream cosplays. Characters I love and adore, but never felt good enough to wear their clothing. Let's see if you notice a theme.

Olivia (Fire Emblem: Awakening)

Pink hair? Check. Adorable personality? Double check. Perfect excuse to shake my hips all day and call it "being in character?" Absolutely. Her Heroes exclusive outfit is extra adorable too, and the one I would love to wear!

Robin (Fire Emblem: Awakening)

Sweet coat, questionable alignment, and I could technically have pink hair and the cosplay would still be accurate. Also the ability to scream "checkmate" at random encounters is appealing.

Super Sonico

Pink haired-music based female character with proportions that more closely match my own. Noticing the theme yet?

Polka (Eternal Sonata)

No pink hair, but pink dress and still loosely music based. Adorable outfit and matching umbrella for that unpredictable Idaho weather.

Popuri (Harvest Moon)

Pink hair, cute corset, only mildly annoying. Chickens.

Of course there are many other characters I would love to cosplay, or old cosplays I'd like to revisit and fine tune. Tifa, more Mei outfits, Leafeon, and Princess Toadstool just to name a few. And, good news, most of those "lazy" ones don't require me to dye my hair carnation pink.

Even though, I really, really, really want to. Childhood dream, right there.

So, are you preparing for a convention in your area? What is your dream cosplay? Sound off in the comments!

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