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An Ode to Valentine's Day

This post topic was chosen by my lovely Patreons! Every month, Patreons get to vote on upcoming content, including blog posts, BuJo themes and more! Their support keeps me going and making new content for everyone to enjoy. All it takes is $1 a month to keep me going and access the majority of content!


Ah, Valentine's Day. Buried beneath your candy hearts, abondance of chocolate, and rose bouquets, you have a tendency to make singles everywhere kind of feel like butt for a day. Not just because of the whole 'single" status either. It's not being able to buy some nice flowers at a decent price. It's noshing on peanut butter sandwiches at home in your underwear because your favorite restaurants are booked for a solid week and some change. And, of course, it's having your eyes assaulted with the most opulent and hideous shade of crimson at every turn. Seriously, you'd think this holiday was a celebration for Cherry Jello, not love. Well, I guess it could be both. Minor infractions aside, I still like you quite a bit Valentine's Day. Sure, we've had our good days and our bad. There were days in my youth you left me in tears, but I blame that more on high school culture than you. There have years I felt alone, years I felt loved, and everything in between.

So, in honor of you, let's focus on some of the things I love most about you:

  • Retails stores that get it right. Pastel tones, rose scented candles, and--heeelloooo--Lush bath bombs.

  • I can wear head to toe pink and strangers assume I'm just celebrating. They'll never know I'm a full grown woman with the fashion sense of a five year old. Some day I'll have that tutu and tiara, just you wait.

  • Unicorns are slowly being assimilated into the iconography, and I'm so here for that.

  • IN-GAME EVENTS. Fire Emblem: Heroes, Animal Crossing, Warcraft, they all have really fun events with the cutest of items and characters to obtain!

  • No joke, I pick up a lot of things for my room between Valentine's Day and Easter. Pastels are totally my jam.

  • Cheap Valentines, or cute DIY projects. Just because you're 30-something doesn't mean you can't send a cute piece of cardboard to a friend!

  • Sure roses are expensive as hell, but other bouquets are fragrant and cheap! Speaking of cheap, it's a great time to indulge in some early strawberries.

  • That day after Valentine's candy sale. Oh, and Black Panther. Hate to see you go, but I love watching you leave.

Regardless of if you have a sweetheart, or plan on eating sandwiches in your underwear (10/10, totally recommend), I hope you find something to love this Valentine's Day. Treat yourself to a nice night of self care, go see an action flick with friends, or cuddle up with your sweetheart. Just remember, one day isn't worth making yourself sad over.

Now, let's go celebrate with some Jello, shall we?

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