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Top Picks for January

This post topic was chosen by my lovely Patreons! Every month, Patreons get to vote on upcoming content, including blog posts, BuJo themes and more! Their support keeps me going and making new content for everyone to enjoy.


The first month of the year is already winding down to a close! This month has been a bit on the quiet side for art (well, quiet for me, anyways) which has been incredibly beneficial. I've been using the time for reflection, studying, tidying, and planning for the rest of the year. As such, I have some great books, games, and shows I'd love to share with you! How to be an Artist Without Losing Your Mind, Your Shirt, Or your Creative Compass by Joanneh Nagler

Whoo boy, this book. This is the book Ineeded when I was 19 and told by a professor to stop drawing, This is the book I needed at 24 when I decided I was finally going to reject her "advice." This is the book I've been needing everyday for the past 8 years, trying to find my voice, struggling with unemployment, and feeling as if this whole venture was doomed from the start.

This book is far more than the typical, enthusiastic encouragement found in artist self-help books. No, this book is written by an artist who as lived it all and, as such, it is crammed with practical information. Everything from living with a budget to dismantling the myths surrounding successful artists is in this book. And it is written so well. It's accessible, with shorter sections that you can easily fit into your day.

I'm not joking when I say that every artist, of every media and skill level, no matter where they are in their journey needs a copy of this book.

Power Rangers: Hyperforce (Twitch) Sorry, not sorry, but I'm going to keep talking about this show until I'm blue in the face. The plot for this show has gone places no one expected, especially for a Power Rangers title. Every week has turned into a rapid feels train with more plot and character development than I could have imagined. There's romance, there's bro-mance, and there's SO MANY BURRITOS. I have never felt so invested and scared for a group of rangers before. In the standard television show, you know there are times where your heroes are hurting, but you also understand that their plot armor is incredibly thick. They're Chumbawamba Rangers--sure they get knocked down, you know they'll get up again. When you see a ranger's hit points dwindle in real time, and you know their survival is determined by a dice roll, the experience entirely changes. And it's GREAT.

If you enjoy other livestreamed RPGs, like Critical Role, I highly suggest giving Hyperforce a chance. Enjoy the livestream and Fireside Chat on Tuesday evenings, but be sure you catch up with the episodes on YouTube!

I have the WORST problem finishing games. I get into them, get super invested, and then put them down. I don't really know why I do it. Maybe I burn out, maybe I feel guilty for indulging, or maybe I just don't want the experience to end. That last reason is entirely why I still haven't beaten the main story in Breath of the Wild. I know why, almost two years after its release, I haven't finished Conquest. My issue, and greatest joy, with Fire Emblem: Fates is the staggering amount of characters and story.

For those who don't know, Fire Emblem: Fates is series of three games. Each game focuses on the same war, but all are told from different perspectives and with access to different characters. Beating all three titles, and obtaining all of the special characters is not for the faint of heart. You're easily investing over 100 hours per title, not including the times you shut off the game in a furious rage over a character death and have to start a map all over again for the fifth time AT LEAST. Not that I have any idea what that's like, of course.

Still, for all the frustration and grind, the Fates games are an incredible experience. There are very few characters in the armies that I flat out dislike, but so many more whom I adore and enjoy utilizing. The DLC for the games is actually good, granting special grind maps, both serious and silly story maps, and upgrade items for incredibly fun character classes. Oh, and let's not forget the most important part of these games--picking best waifu and best husbando.

And there we have it. Another month filled with fun and frivolity! What has been occupying your time this month? DO you have any suggestions you'd like to share? Be sure to sound off in the comments below!

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