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Wintery Wishes

This post topic was chosen by my lovely Patreons! Every month, Patreons get to vote on upcoming content, including blog posts, BuJo themes and more! Their support keeps me going and making new content for everyone to enjoy.


I'm never prepared for December. Halloween? Bring it. Thanksgiving? I got my yoga pants at the ready. December? NOPE. It always manages to sneak up on me, leaving me woefully unprepared to embrace the end of the year, Christmas, and the strange amount of birthdays that need to be celebrated.

Seasonal "bucket lists" are commonly found in bullet journals--at least the kind of journals that parade themselves all over YouTube and Pinterest with perfect calligraphy and doodles. The purpose of these pages is to list out everything you want to do during the season, with the hope that it will encourage you to actually do those activities, You know, a kick in the yoga pants to YOLO and Live Your Best Life (TM).

So this year, bullet journal in hand, I'm ready to tackle the yuletide and birthday bonanza--or at least attempt to! Below you'll find some entries from my list, categorized by activity type. I doubt many items are surprising, or even crazy adventurous. That's the beauty of the Bucket List--so long as you want to do it, it counts as a good time! You don't have to go Yeti hunting in order to have a great winter.


Classic films aside, this year I'm looking forward to a Morphenomical Christmas. I plan on watching the Power Rangers Christmas specials on Netflix, sing along to Alpha 5's Christmas Special, and sip hot cocoa during the Hyperforce streams! Oh, and let's not forget the ridiculous and amazing Gokaiger Christmas special. What more could a gal want for Christmas than giant monsters and explosions?


There are SO many wonderful video games and in-game events to indulge in this month! Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp kicked off their Jingle event on the 1st. It's all the charm of Animal Crossing: New Leaf, without any of the guilt of an abandoned town! Blizzard games always bring the chill with their winter events, and the Overwatch announcements today have me super pumped. Two Mei centered modes of play, including yeti hunting? Oh, I'm so there! Finally, rounding out the video game diet, we have Breath of the Wild. Nothing screams winter like almost dying in the mountains every 10 minutes.


Thankfully I live in an area that offers plenty of indoor and outdoor excitement. This year, I'm hoping to hit up the Botanical Gardens to see it lit up for the Holidays. The State Capital already has it's obnoxiously large tree on display, so I'd like to venture forth and get a cute selfie or two. One thing I'd like to focus on this year, is cultivating more Hygge in my life. Hygge is a Danish way of living that focuses on cozy moments. For me, this means lighting more candles, turning off the technology, and really catching up with friends over warm drinks and blankets.


I hope my list has, in some small way, inspired you to enjoy everything December has to offer! What's on your list this season? Feel free to share in a comment below, or show off your bucket list on Instagram! Be sure to tag me (@spiceandrose) so I can see it!

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